Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yea!!! its English day!!! :)
we hve a list of ppl's duty...... :D
i was asked to be one of the DJs and selection of best dedication slip....
but then end up being the DJs only.... haha.....
but actually the first shift were Ezey and Husna.. but because Husna was busy with her H2O booth... so i take over the first shift with Ezey...

* setting up *

* 8.30am starts to play songs *

Ezey so jahat one... leave everything to me... 

* OMG!! i go so blurrrr..... *

and so me suruh Qilah to join me for the first shift~
actually me and Qilah was on the 3rd shift...

* my adik to the rescue~~ *

because mostly our AJK not here... whoever was there were asked to go on the duty....
our booth was the dedication booth.... 

* drawn by Zaff, Pang and Syifaa *

but inda brapa laku..... so mostly ALL the dedication slips were written by 10pSci1 students.... haha..... we spam the dedication box.... hahaha.....

by 10am we shift with the last shift... which is Reedznan and Zawanah.....
tired but fun... then when we went up to our class..... continue with class decoration!!!! =.=

* we're tired but we end the events with big smile~ *

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